Why Clients Need a Solid Exercise Plan For Best Results

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As a coach, you’re bound to come across clients that aren’t interested in having a workout plan or struggle to follow the one you provide.

Part of your job is to explain the importance of a solid exercise plan and why going with the flow is not a good long-term strategy.

Let’s discuss why that is.

Why Clients Need a Workout Program


The first reason for having an exercise plan is structure. Working out without a plan can also be beneficial, especially if the alternative is a sedentary lifestyle. Still, trainees often struggle to train consistently and waste too much time
wondering what to do.

In contrast, a workout plan provides clear directions, leading to better productivity, high-quality workouts, and good training choices that drive progress.


Accountability can be a powerful motivator for your clients to keep working out and striving for progress. Knowing that someone expects them to show up and do the work can get people to stay consistent even when they don’t feel like it.

Providing your clients with an exercise plan and having them log their workouts in a shared workout planner is an excellent way to keep them accountable and help them reach their goals.


The next notable benefit of having a solid exercise plan is enjoyment. Doing random workouts might feel liberating initially, but that is rarely the case in the long run.

Structure is necessary for trainees to feel like they are working toward something and making good progress. Doing so allows them to enjoy the process more and keep doubts and fears at bay.


The final reason why your clients need a workout plan is progress. It’s possible to make some progress without an exercise routine, especially as a beginner.

Unfortunately, long-term progression comes down to careful planning and manipulation of training variables, which comes from having structure and logging workouts.

How to Create a Workout Plan For Your Clients

Putting together a workout plan begins by getting to know your client. Specifically, you should learn about their:

  • Fitness and injury history
  • Current limitations (if any)
  • Short and long-term goals
  • Training preferences
  • Overall lifestyle and stress)
  • Schedule and free time

The more details you can gather, the more you will be able to put together a sound training plan that fits your client’s needs.

For example, let’s take a hypothetical client as an example. John is a 42-year-old overweight male with a history of knee issues, a full-time job, and three kids. Because of his job and family obligations, John is only available for three weekly exercise sessions, no longer than 50 minutes.

Of course, you could ask John for extra information, but that description gives you plenty of data to work on. You know of his injury history and potential limitations; his short-term goal should be obvious, his stress is relatively high, and his schedule is packed.

Based on the data, your job is to create a plan that fits John’s needs, like a tailor-made suit.


There are many reasons why clients need a structured exercise plan and plenty of ways to create one for them.

It is based on understanding your client well and making the best training decisions to keep them happy, consistent, and injury-free.


Jekauc, D. (2015)Enjoyment during Exercise Mediates the Effects of an Intervention on Exercise Adherence. Research gate. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271445411_Enjoyment_during_Exercise_Mediates_the_Effects_of_an_Intervention_on_Exercise_Adherence (Accessed: October 4, 2022).

Stults-Kolehmainen, M.A. and Sinha, R. (2014) The effects of stress on physical activity and exercise, Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894304/ (Accessed: October 1, 2022).

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