How to Teach Your Clients to Breathe and Brace Correctly

Client is breathing

How to teach your clients to breathe is really important to put their trust on you as a Coach. If you’ve ever worked with a gym newbie, you probably realized two things: First, they don’t know how to breathe correctly during exercise. Second, they don’t take the time to brace and prepare themselves for a […]

How to Support a Client Who Is Dealing With An Injury

Client who is dealing injury

Guiding fitness clients to success can be a considerable challenge, especially when they are dealing with an injury. Luckily, there are effective tactics to deal with the situation and keep providing value. Read on because we’ll review how to deal with an injured athlete. Determine the Severity of the Injury Determining the severity of the […]

How to Get More Fitness Training Clients

Have you ever wondered how to market your online fitness business? There are plenty of options to pick from, but which ones are most effective? Read on because we’ll review six ways to get more personal training clients. Let’s dive in. Set Clear Expectations Customer satisfaction in any field is heavily reliant on clear expectations. […]